
rock it中文是什么意思

  • 尽情摇摆



  • 例句与用法
  • In cups of rocks it slops : flop , slop , slap : bounded in barrels
  • He pointed to the charm on his neck with his last bit of energy left , told me rock it with respect
  • Of the millio of rocks it throws out of orbit at each visit , some hurtle earthwards ? ? and have several times nearly wiped out life on earth
    它每一次访问太阳系时,都从轨道上甩出上百万个岩块,其中一些飞向地球的方向? ?有几次几乎摧毁地球上的生命。
  • Of the millions of rocks it throws out of orbit at each visit , some hurtle earthwards ? ? and have several times nearly wiped out life on earth
    它每一次访问太阳系时,都从轨道上甩出上百万个岩块,其中一些飞向地球的方向? ?有几次几乎摧毁地球上的生命。
  • Now this rock it has met has been a long and narrow boat , manned by six or eight men , who have surprised and plundered it , some dark and stormy night , near some desert and gloomy island , as bandits plunder a carriage in the recesses of a forest .
    哼,它碰上的这块岩后大概是一艘又长又狭的船,船上有六个人或者八个人,他们趁着一个风高月黑的晚上,不知在哪一个荒凉的小岛附近袭击了它,抢劫了它,就象强盗在一处树林的拐角上抢劫一辆马车一样。 ”
  • My master kept his room ; i took possession of the lonely parlour , converting it into a nursery : and there i was , sitting with the moaning doll of a child laid on my knee ; rocking it to and fro , and watching , meanwhile , the still driving flakes build up the uncurtained window , when the door opened , and some person entered , out of breath and laughing
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